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COVID 19 Update- Updated 08/04/2021

Please note that this is based on the latest information and research available at the time of writing. The COVID-19 pandemic, and the responses of the public health community and UK Government remains fluid; data and recommendations will change. As they do, this document will be updated to reflect this.


We have taken guidance from our governing bodies to ensure the safety of our athletes, coaches and members during this time.

Full details of return to play from our governing bodies can be found below:

Return to Play Guideline Cheerleading

Return to Play Guidelines Gymnastics

Initial Risk Assessment 29th Aug 2020

Risk Assessment Outdoor Easter Sessions 2021

Prior to summarising our return to play strategy, it is important to note that COVID-19 is still a public health risk and thus, being alert is key:


In the UK, the National Health Service (NHS) describe common symptoms of COVID-19 to include: 

  • High temperature over 37.8˚C 

  • New and persistent cough

  • Loss of taste or sense of smell 

 In addition, other symptoms can include:

  • Hoarseness

  • Runny nose

  • Sneezing

  • Shortness of breath

  • Sore throat

  • Wheezing

  • Tiredness 

Though these are common symptoms of other illnesses, they may be signs an individual has been infected by COVID-19, and it is vital that you do not infect teammates, colleagues, your friends and family or the general public.


  • Wash your hands – regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with soap (for minimum of 20 seconds) and an alcohol-based (minimum 60% ethanol or 70% isopropanol) hand rub. Washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand rub kills viruses that may be on your hands. 

  • Maintain social distancing rules - maintain at least 2 metre distance and where not possible, at 1 metre plus between yourself and others. When someone coughs or sneezes, they spray small liquid droplets from their nose or mouth, which may contain the virus. If you are too close, you can breathe in the droplets, including the COVID-19 virus, if the person coughing has the disease. 

  • Avoid touching hands to face, mouth or nose - Hands touch many surfaces and surface to hand transfer can spread the virus. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter your body and can make you sick.

  • Catch it, bin it, kill it - Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. 


  • The NHS currently recommends that close contact (within 1 metre of someone with the virus for 15 minutes or more) with an infected person requires that individual be isolated for 14 days from the last time they were exposed to the infected person. You may have been informed of this via the NHS Test and Trace system.

  • If you are worried that this may relate to you, you should follow NHS Isolation Guidelines.


Arrows Elite along with Stratton Upper School have taken a full risk assessment as per Government documentation and adheres to the Return to Play Cheerleading and Gymnastics Roadmap Charts in returning to training.

Risks assessments will continue to be carried out on a bi-weekly basis and if cases are identified, or regional R rates increase, Arrows Elite will re-evaluate the level we are operating at and move back up the levels as deemed appropriate. *This may involve a period of closure. 

Good communication between the Club and the athlete is fundamental to ensure any changes in individual athlete risk is continually evaluated e.g. if new medical conditions are diagnosed or they have new contacts with vulnerable individuals. It is important that Arrows Elite is informed and a bi-weekly check in will be carried out to monitor this aspect.

We will be operating and engaging fully with the NHS Track and Trace scheme and thus it is imperative that we hold accurate records of athlete and staff attendance including name, phone number, arrival and leaving times, we will be monitoring this through our existing registration system Coacha, ensuring GDPR regulations are adhered to.  If a breakout is identified within the Club or facility we will liaise directly with Public Health England on next steps of action, but is likely to result in a temporary closure.

COVID-19 can range from asymptomatic, to mild, to severe illness with an incubation period of 5 - 14 days. It is critical that however mild or common the symptom it is reported , isolation guidelines are followed until a test is returned as negative or the individual is symptom free for 7 days (current Government guideline). If a symptom is reported during a training session, the individual must be isolated in a designated area and collected by a household member as soon as possible with advice to isolate and test the household as per current government advice. The most common symptoms include; fever (37.8 or above), cough and shortness of breath. Other symptoms include but not limited to; sore throat, conjunctivitis, headache, fatigue, muscle aches, diarrhoea, nasal congestion, loss of smell or taste, rash, discolouration of fingers or toes, chest pain.

Following the risk assessment, we have identified a road map to return to play that is most suitable for our club and facility. 

Summary of Stage 1 Phased Return to Play:

  • Maximum of 15 athletes in a group with adequate staff numbers (more than 15 athletes may work in the same space)

  • consistent athlete groups between sessions

  • Socially distanced


The COVID-19 outbreak has caused significant mental health and wellbeing difficulties for some children, young people and adults. Arrows Elite has a robust safeguarding policy in place. We strive for continuous and effective communication with parents and guardians.


Emily Coughlan:



While the evidence is limited, facial coverings may reduce the risk of infection by reducing the water droplet effect from coughing, sneezing and general breathing. 

Facial Coverings – are not required to be worn by coaches, support staff. facial coverings, gloves and aprons are recommended for dealing with incidents of First Aid situations where close contact is unavoidable and when cleaning and wiping down equipment. 

 Athletes are not required to wear facial coverings.  Athletes who feel more comfortable participating in a mask are welcome to do so. Arrows Elite recommends athletes select a mask that offers both protection and performance. A number of providers are now marketing the use of “athlete-centred” face coverings; these are masks that feature specific qualifications to address the need to offer both protection and performance. 


  • Parents/ Guardians and athletes do not congregate in communal areas or the car park before or after training

  • Arrive on time and leave immediately after practice has finished to avoid prolonged periods of social interaction.

  • Arrows Elite are advising against carpooling where possible. 

  • Waiting areas and changing rooms (apart from access to the toilet) will be closed and that training space is limited to athletes only. (Exemption: the provision of carers/support workers for disabled athletes).


Due to the close contact nature of Gymnastics, Dance and Cheerleading, Arrows Elite is advocating screening of anyone training or participating in any discipline within the programme to ascertain whether individuals are able to train safely. Arrows Elite are asking all individuals associated with the club (such as family members) to take responsibility for reducing the risk of COVID-19. 



Before leaving the house to participate in a session athletes should check that:  

  • They do not have symptoms of a high temperature (feeling hot, feeling cold, shivers, feeling under the weather) or a measured temperature of 37.8 or above.

  • They do not have a new persistent cough.

  • They do not have a loss of taste or smell.

  • They have not been in contact with a person with suspected COVID-19 within the past 48 hours.

  • They have not been advised to self-isolate due to a third party from another setting (i.e. school) being infected with COVID-19.

  • No one within their household has COVID-19 symptoms as outlined above which would require the whole household to self-isolation as guided by the UK Government. 

Individuals must not attend a session if any of the above are true. Clubs should ensure that: 

  • There should be no pressure placed upon an athlete to attend a training session or competition if they have symptoms or they feel like the environment is unsafe for them.

  • If during a session an individual feels uncomfortable with the management of the session, then there should be no pressure placed on that individual if they decide to opt-out of that session.

  • All individuals should have read the AE COVID- 19 Guidance Information as set out in this document. 


All participants (athletes, coaches, staff) in the training session have the responsibility to notify the Club COVID-19 Officer (Emily Coughlan) should they experience symptoms of COVID-19 within 48 hours of the training session.  The Club COVID-19 officer will then be able to advise you on the next steps to take.



  • Athletes to arrive at the venue already changed and ready to participate and to only bring what is necessary

  • After going to the toilet, thoroughly wash hands for a minimum of 20 seconds with soap or alcohol gel (minimum 60% ethanol or 70% isopropanol)

  • Minimal use of changing rooms

  • No unnecessary physical contact such as high fives, hugs, rituals involving contact (handshakes etc)

  • Social distancing applies

  • Use markers on the floor to show direction of travel around the gym

  • Separate entrances and exits for teams arriving and leaving, to avoid crossover periods where social distancing is difficult

  • Suitable and sufficient rubbish bins in these areas with regular removal and disposal

  • Advise against athletes and coaches carpooling to venues.

  • Avoid touching high-contact surfaces such as door handles, benches, chairs, etc.


  • Social distancing markers on the floor will show where athletes must wait to enter and how to move around the mat

  • Remain socially distanced from other athletes. Limit physical interaction as much as possible.

  • Water bottles to be kept socially distanced, in the space provided by the coach (either individual boxes, floor markers, or kept in the space next to the athlete)

  • No sharing of water bottles

  • All water bottles clearly labelled with the individuals name on it

  • No handshakes, high fives or other physical contact

  • No sharing of towels, t-shirts or other items

  • Cleaning of shared equipment between each use and again between sessions

  • No shouting over music, or yelling / ‘mat talk’ between athletes that may increase the risk of droplet spray in the air

  • Regular handwashing

  • Regular cleaning of equipment between use by different athletes


  • Wash hands immediately and thoroughly after training

  • No congregating at the venue after training

  • No handshakes, high fives, hugs or other physical contact

  • Carpooling is not recommended from the venue

  • Individuals will be required to wash their kit in 60˚C high temperature wash in order to kill off any viral load

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